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NDICI - STRENGTHENING THE ROLE OF CIVIL SOCIETY IN PROTECTING HUMAN RIGHTS AND IMPROVING DEMOCRATIC GOVERNANCE, aiming at promoting and protecting human rights, namely those of minorities, contributing to fundamental freedoms and human dignity, and improving the rule of law and democratic governance.

1.080,000 euro

Appeal framework

Institution European Commission
Sectors Citizenship & Human Rights
Beneficiaries Association & NGO EU & International Organisation Local Authority & Affiliated Entity
Regions Africa-Carribean-Pacific, European Union

Countrie eligible to the programme:

  • Congo (Brazzaville)
  • Actions must take place on the territory of the Republic of Congo

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Priorities and funded actions


  • To promote and protect the rights of individuals, including vulnerable groups and minorities
  • To contribute to the respect of fundamental freedoms and human dignity
  • To improve democratic governance and respect for the principles of the rule of law


  • Priority 1: Support the promotion of social, economic, political and environmental rights of people
  • Priority 2: Strengthen people’s capacity to empower and take ownership of their social, economic, political and environmental rights
  • Priority 3: Promote equality between women and men; defend the rights of women and girls; combat all forms of discrimination and violence against women
  • Priority 4: Promote and protect the rights of vulnerable populations, including children and youth, indigenous peoples, sexual and gender minorities, people with disabilities
  • Priority 5: Strengthen the capacity of human rights defenders, including environmental rights defenders and their organisations
  • Priority 6: Fight against torture and cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment, combat the culture of impunity and/or provide assistance (legal, psychological, etc.) to victims
  • Priority 7: support the active participation of citizens and Congolese civil society organisations in favour of respect for the principles of the rule of law
  • Priority 8: promote democratic governance through the fight against corruption and the strengthening of the accountability of public actors

Among the actions financed

  • Actions consisting solely or mainly of sponsoring the participation of individuals in workshops, seminars, conferences and congresses
  • Actions consisting solely or mainly of funding individual scholarships for study or training
  • Actions consisting solely of the funding or provision of training
  • Single conferences. Conferences can only be subsidised if they are part of a wider programme of activities to be carried out during the implementation of the action. In this sense, preparatory activities for a conference and the publication of conference proceedings do not in themselves constitute “wider activities”
  • Actions consisting exclusively or primarily of capital expenditure, for example the purchase of land, buildings, equipment and vehicles
  • Actions consisting exclusively or primarily of the purchase of equipment, inputs or the operation of a superstructure
  • Actions related to loan financing, including micro-credits
  • Actions that discriminate against persons or groups of persons on the basis of their gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs (or lack thereof), ethnic origin or income level
  • Actions involving proselytising and any other activity prohibited by law

Additional information

  • This is an open call for proposals
  • Initial duration of the action: between 24 and 36 months


  • Be a legal person or an entity without legal personality or a natural person
  • Be a non-profit-making entity
  • Belong to one of the following categories of organisations: non-governmental organisation, public sector operator, local authority, international (intergovernmental) organisation as defined in recital 46 of the NDICI
  • Be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the co-applicant(s) and the affiliated entity/entities and not act as an intermediary
  • Amount of the grant: between 250.000 and 350.000 euro
  • Co-financing rate: between 50 anbd 95% of the total eligible costs

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