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€43 million EU humanitarian aid to Niger

Janez Lenarčič, Commissioner for Crisis Management, has announced an initial €43 million in EU humanitarian aid in Niger for 2022. He visited the country to assess humanitarian needs as it faces a deteriorating security situation as well as an unprecedented food and nutrition crisis due to impacts of climate change.

The new EU humanitarian aid will be targeted at areas and regions affected by the conflict, epidemics, widespread food shortages and high rates of child undernutrition. More than 3.7 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance in Niger, the lowest-ranking country in the United Nations’ Human Development Index.

The primary focus of EU humanitarian funding is on addressing basic needs, including food, shelter, health, nutrition, access to safe water, and education for children in the context of humanitarian crises.

Niger: EU announces €43 million in humanitarian aid as Commissioner Lenarčič visits the country


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