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NDICI – Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument – 2021-2027

Grants to help eradicate poverty and promote sustainable development, prosperity, peace and stability in the EU’s Neighbourhood and beyond


79.5 billion euro


All beneficiaries

Type of financing

Grant – Co-financing

79.5 billion euro
All beneficiaries
Type de financement​
Grant – Co-financing
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The NDICI is the European Union’s main financing instrument for external cooperation. It brings together five instruments from the previous programme period. The instrument aims at eradicating poverty and promoting sustainable development, prosperity, peace and stability outside the European Union. Its general objective is the affirmation and promotion of the Union’s values and interests in the world with a view to pursuing the objectives and applying the principles of the Union’s external action.


  • To support and encourage dialogue and cooperation with regions and third countries in the European neighbourhood, sub-Saharan Africa, Asia and the Pacific, and the Americas and the Caribbean
  • To consolidate and support democracy, the rule of law and human rights, supporting civil society organizations, consolidating stability and peace, and addressing other global challenges, including migration and mobility, at the global level
  • To respond rapidly to crisis, instabilityand conflict situations, addressing issues of resilience, linking humanitarian and development action, and responding to foreign policy needs and priorities


  • Geographic Pillar:
    • Neighbourhood
    • Sub-Saharan Africa
    • Asia-Pacific
    • Americas and Caribbean
  • Thematic Pillar:
    • Human Rights and Democracy
    • Civil society organizations
    • Peace and stability
    • Global challenges: health, education, empowerment of women and children, migration and forced displacement, inclusive growth, decent work, social protection and food security
  • Rapid Response Actions Pillar, for :
    • Ensuring stability and conflict prevention in crisis situations
    • Building resilience and better linking humanitarian and development action
    • Responding to the EU’s foreign policy needs and priorities


  • Promoting enhanced political cooperation
  • Supporting the implementation of mutual agreements
  • A stronger partnership for social and economic prosperity
  • Interpersonal contacts
  • Strengthening regional cooperation
  • Migration and Mobility Management
  • Peace and stability

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