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ACP – Food and Nutrition Security Program Food Security Component – Tchad – 2021

Reduce poverty and promote sustainable development in ACP countries.

11.5 million euro

Appeal framework

Institution European Commission
Sectors Health
Regions European Union, Africa-Carribean-Pacific

* Actions must take place in Chad in the regions of Logone Occidental, Tandjilé, Guéra, Ouaddaï and Wadi Fira.

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Priorities and funded actions

* Ensure appropriate nutrition for vulnerable populations by improving the productive performance of rural producers and the economic opportunities of households in the intervention zones.

* Priority 1 – The organization, structuring and capacity building of producers’ organizations through the establishment of a supply system for inputs, agricultural materials and other equipment and support advice to producers for better use of technological packages/techniques agro-sylvo-pastoral and fisheries (ASPH) ;
* Priority 2 – The realization/rehabilitation/management of structural infrastructures to support production (ASPH), conservation, processing and marketing;
* Priority 3 – The promotion of complementary income-generating activities for the benefit of vulnerable households, particularly women;

Among the actions financed :
For all lots :
*Actions contributing to the intensification and diversification of agricultural production;
*Actions contributing to the targeting and development of niche products: technical production standards, synchronization of production with market demand, product processing, product presentation, post-harvest management (storage and marketing), networking of producers in search of outlets, facilitation of transport, facilitation of access to financing, use of ICTs for marketing;
*Actions contributing to the generation of sustainable additional income for vulnerable households, particularly women;
* Actions contributing to the structuring and organization of producers;
* Actions allowing for the sustainable development of hydro-agricultural developments.
* Actions contributing to the coordinated fight against chronic malnutrition by seeking synergy with the actions of the other components.
* Actions to reduce the risk behaviors of users and populations living along rural tracks.
* Actions reducing sexual risk behaviors towards the populations living near rural roads, especially around construction sites.
* Actions contributing to environmental protection throughout the villages concerned by the development of the trails;
For lots 1 & 2 in addition to the actions listed above:
* Actions allowing the realization and/or the rehabilitation of small hydro-agricultural perimeters of 5 ha maximum for the benefit of producers’ organizations with emphasis on women’s organizations. The aim is to support producers with structural infrastructures and equipment such as motor pumps, boreholes and market garden wells, water supply and distribution systems, site fencing, innovative materials, etc.

Additional information
* This is an open call for proposals.

* Initial duration of the action: between 46 and 48 months

* Eligibility :
– To be a legal person;
– Be a non-profit organization;
– Be established in a Member State of the European Union or ACP and other eligible nationalities (including Southern Sudan)
– be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the co-applicant(s) and the affiliated entity or entities, and not act as an intermediary and ;
– have at least five years’ experience in supporting and strengthening professional agricultural organizations ;
– have relevant and proven experience in the extension of innovative agricultural techniques: technical itineraries, fertility management, management of pests and pesticides, support to value chains, etc..;
– have relevant and proven experience in the implementation of regular maintenance and sustainable management of hydro-agricultural developments;
– have at least five years of field experience in Chad and/or in one of the countries of the Lake Chad or Sahel basin;

– Actions must take place in Chad in the regions of Logone Occidental, Tandjilé, Guéra, Ouaddaï and Wadi Fira.


* Grant Amount :
– Lot N°1 Logone Occidental : 3 000 000 euros ;
– Lot N°2 Tandjilé: 2 800 000 euros; 
– Lot N°3 Guéra: 1 600 000 euros; 
– Lot N°4 Ouaddaï: 2,200,000 euros;
– Lot N°5 Wadi Fira: 1,900,000 euros;
* Co-financing rate: between 50 and 95% of total eligible costs.

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