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CREATIVE EUROPE – Video game and immersive content development – 2025

CREA - Creative Europe aims at preserving, developing, and promoting European cultural and linguistic diversity and heritage and to increase the competitiveness and economic potential of the cultural and creative sectors, in particular the audiovisual sector.

7 million euro

Appeal framework

Call reference CREA-MEDIA-2025-DEVVGIM
Program Creative Europe Programme (CREA)
Institution European Commission
Sectors Culture, Media & Communication Technology & Digital Territorial Development
Beneficiaries EU & International Organisation Large company (> 250 employees) Smes & Start-Ups (< 249 Employees) State administration & affiliated entities Training organisation & school

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Priorities and funded actions


  • To support to Video games and immersive content development is to increase the capacity of European video game producers, XR studios and audiovisual production companies to develop video games and interactive immersive experiences with the potential to reach global audiences
  • To improve the competitiveness of the European video games industry and other companies producing interactive immersive content in European and international markets by enabling the retention of intellectual property by European developers


To develop audiovisual works by European independent production companies, covering a variety of formats (such as feature films, short films, series, documentaries, narrative video games) and genres, and targeting diverse audiences, including children and young people.

Among financed actions

  • The development (pre-production) of concepts and prototypes of interactive narrative storytelling


  • Be a public or private entity
  • Be established in one of the eligible countries:
    • EU Member States (including overseas countries and territories)
    • Non-EU states: listed EEA countries and countries associated to the Creative Europe Programme (Click here)
  • Be established in one of the countries participating fully in the MEDIA strand of the Creative Europe Programme and be owned directly or indirectly, wholly or by majority participation, by nationals from such countries
  • Be European video game production companies, XR studios or audiovisual
    production companies
  • The coordinator must demonstrate recent experience in producing
    internationally distributed works
  • A consortium composed of at least 2 entities (beneficiaries; not affiliated entities) must be constituted

Additional information

  • Initial duration of the action: 36 months
  • Contact: EACEA-MEDIA-DEVVGIM@ec.europa.eu


  • Total budget of the call: 7 million euro
  • Amount of the grant: 200.000 euro per project
  • Funding rate: up to 60% of the total eligible costs

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