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DIGITAL EUROPE – Chips-2024-CSA-CDP-1 – Design platform – 2024

Digital Europe Programme - Digital Europe programme aims at briding the gap between digital technology research and market deployment.

25 million euro

Appeal framework

Call reference DIGITAL-Chips-2024-CSA-CDP-1
Program Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL)
Institution European Commission
Sectors Business & Industry Cooperation & Development Research & Innovation Technology & Digital
Beneficiaries Association & NGO EU & International Organisation Large company (> 250 employees) Research centre & university Smes & Start-Ups (< 249 Employees) State administration & affiliated entities

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Priorities and funded actions


  • To develop a robust chip design ecosystem in Europe and to ensure that start-ups and SMEs have access to top-tier tools and support services comparable to those more easily accessible to large enterprises
  • To be in charge of the overall coordination of the Design Platform, referred to as the Platform Coordination Team (PCT), which shall serve as the hosting entity for the Design Platform’s virtual infrastructure and central services, coordinating access to a wide range of tools, assets and services
  • To complement the ongoing EUROPRACTICE initiative


  • Priority 1: Comprehensive Planning and Development
    • Sub-priority 1: To provide a comprehensive plan for the development and operation of the Design Platform
    • Sub-priority 2: To establish advisory groups for the the PCT to provide critical insights and guidance throughout the development and operationalisation of the Design Platform
  • Priority 2: Cloud service management
    • Sub-priority 1: To develop and provide detailed and comprehensive technical specifications for the procurement of the cloud services that will support the implementation of the envisaged Design Platform
    • Sub-priority 2: To validate, test, manage and maintain the cloud service targeted towards the European chip design community
    • Sub-priority 3: To establish and maintain a rich repository of intellectual property, EDA tools, and other design assets
  • Priority 3: Complementarity to other objectives of the Chips for Europe Initiative
    • Sub-priority 1: To integrate PDKs/ADKs and services stemming from the pilot lines of the Chips for Europe Initiative into the Design Platform
    • Sub-priority 2: To work closely with Competence Centres to support their users through the resources and services of the Design Platform
    • Sub-priority 3: To support the design development of quantum chips
    • Sub-priority 4: To organise and provide advanced training programmes for users and developers on the platform
  • Priority 4: Technical Requirements and Standards
    • Sub-priority 1: To outline and provide the technical requirements, specifications, and service quality standards necessary for the selection and integration of suitable Design Enablement Teams
    • Sub-priority 2: To implement monitoring procedures to ensure that the central platform and the Design Enablement Teams meet the established technical standards and performance metrics
    • Sub-priority 3: To undertake continuous monitoring of the Design Platform’s operations and the quality of services provided to its users
  • Priority 5: Supplier Negotiations and Management
    • Sub-priority 1: To conduct negotiations with key suppliers of Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools and intellectual property blocks
    • Sub-priority 2: To manage on behalf of and under the direction of the Chips Joint Undertaking the aforementioned master framework agreements with the various vendors of EDA tools, IP libraries, and other relevant suppliers
  • Priority 6: Start-up and SME support
    • Sub-priority 1: To provide technical and operational support to the Chips JU in the execution of calls for proposals for the selection of projects
    • Sub-priority 2: To ensure the provision of a dedicated 24/7 user help desk support to assist with any queries or issues related to the operation of the Design Platform
    • Sub-priority 3: To run a start-up incubation and acceleration programme
  • Priority 7: Dissemination and User Engagement
    • Sub-priority 1: To effectively disseminate to potential users, start-ups and SMEs, the services offered via the Design Platform


  • Be a legal person
  • Be a public or private entity
  • Be established in one of the eligible countries:
    • EU Member States (including overseas countries and territories)
    • Non-EU states: listed EEA countries and countries associated to the Digital Europe Programme (Click here)
  • A Call for Design Platform (CDP) includes two interrelated calls. This means that applicant consortia will have to submit proposals for two calls:
    • Call for Expression of Interest for the selection of a Hosting Consortium
    • Call for Proposals for coordination of the Design Platform funded under the Digital Europe Programme

Additional information

  • Initial duration of the action: at least 36 months
  • Contact: calls@chips-ju.europa.eu


  • Total budget of the call: 25 million euro
  • Funding rate: up to 100% of the total eligible costs

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