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Erasmus + – Accreditation in the fields of adult education, vocational education and training, and school education – 2020

Grants for projects aiming to promote VET learners and staff mobility


Appeal framework

Institution European Commission
Regions European Union

EU member states
Erasmus + countries

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Priorities and funded actions

*Strengthening the European dimension of teaching and learning by: ­
– Promoting values of inclusion and diversity, tolerance, and democratic participation;
– Promoting knowledge about shared European heritage and richness in diversity; ­
– Supporting development of professional networks across Europe

* In the field of adult education: 
– Increasing the quality of formal, informal and non-formal adult education in Europe by: 
> Improving the quality of the adult education offer through professionalisation of its staff and building capacity of adult education providers to implement high quality learning programmes; ­
> Increasing the quality of teaching and learning in all forms of adult education, and making it relevant to the needs of the society at large;
> Improving the provision of adult education for key competences as defined by the EU framework (2018), including basic skills (literacy, numeracy, digital skills) and other life skills
– Contributing to the creation of the European Education Area by:
> Building the capacity of adult education providers to carry out high quality mobility projects ;
> Raising the participation of adults of all ages and socio-economic background in adult education, especially by fostering participation of organisations working with disadvantaged learners, small adult education providers, newcomers to the Programme, and community-based grassroots organisations

* In the field of vocational education and training: 
– Increasing the quality of initial and continuing vocational education and training (IVET and CVET) in Europe by:
> Strengthening key competences and transversal skills, in particular language learning; ­
> Supporting the development of job specific skills needed in the current and future labour market; ­
> Sharing best practices and promoting the use of new and innovative pedagogical methods and technologies, and supporting the professional development of teachers, trainers, mentors and other staff in VET
– Contributing to the creation of the European Education Area by: ­
> Building the capacity of VET providers to carry out high quality mobility projects, and their ability to form quality partnerships while developing their internationalisation strategy;
> Making mobility a realistic possibility for any learner in IVET and CVET, and increasing the average duration of mobility for VET learners to increase its quality and impact;
> Fostering the quality, transparency and recognition of learning outcomes of mobility periods abroad, especially by using European tools and instruments for this purpose

* In the field of school education: 
– Increasing the quality of teaching and learning in school education by: ­
> Supporting professional development of teachers, school leaders and other school staff ­ promoting the use of new technologies and innovative teaching methods;
> Improving language learning and language diversity in schools; ­
> Supporting the sharing and transfer of best practices in teaching and school development
– Contributing to the creation of the European Education Area by: ­
> Building capacity of schools to engage in cross-border exchanges and cooperation, and carry out high quality mobility projects;
> Making learning mobility a realistic possibility for any pupil in school education ­ fostering recognition of learning outcomes of pupils and staff in mobility periods abroad

Aditionnal information
* This call for proposal is an open call for proposal

* Eligibility: 
– In the field of adult education:
> Organisations providing formal, informal and non-formal adult education;
> Local and regional public authorities, coordination bodies and other organisations with a role in the field of adult education
– In the field of vocational education and training:
> Organisations providing initial or continuing vocational education and training
> Local and regional public authorities, coordination bodies and other organisations with a role in the field of vocational education and training
> Companies and other public or private organisations hosting, training or otherwise working with learners and apprentices in vocational education and training
– In the field of school education:
> Schools providing general education at pre-primary, primary or secondary level
> Local and regional public authorities, coordination bodies and other organisations with a role in the school education field


* Yearly grants for accredited applicants will be based on a number of criteria, including: performance resulting from reporting and monitoring exercises, activities requested by the applicant, priorities set at annual level, and the budget available for the relevant type of action.

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