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EUAF – Training, Conferences, Staff Exchanges and Studies – 2024

EUAF – The EU Anti-fraud Programme aims at promoting activities against fraud, corruption and any other illegal activities affecting the financial interests of the EU.

1 million euro

Appeal framework

Call reference EUAF-2024-TRAI
Program EU Anti-Fraud Programme
Institution European Commission
Sectors Business & Industry Cooperation & Development Finance Justice, Security, Defence Research & Innovation
Beneficiaries Association & NGO EU & International Organisation Local Authority & Affiliated Entity Research centre & university State administration & affiliated entities Training organisation & school

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Priorities and funded actions


To protect of the EU financial interests by preventing and combatting fraud, corruption and any other illegal activities affecting the EU financial interests.


  • To explore cooperation between the Union’s institutions, bodies, offices and agencies involved in protecting the financial interests of the Union, in particular OLAF and the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO), and the cooperation between these groups and authorities both inside and outside the EU, in particular the customs authorities and other law enforcement bodies of Member States and third countries
  • To prevent and fight against revenue fraud and corruption, with a particular focus on customs data analysis and new challenges in the field (e.g. e-commerce)
  • To protect the EU budget if there are breaches of the general regime of conditionality for protecting the EU budget (i.e. principles of ‘the rule of law’) in the Member States

Among funded activities

  • Specialised training sessions
  • Conferences, workshops and seminars
  • Staff exchanges
  • Comparative law studies and periodical publications


  • Be a legal person
  • Be a public or private entity
  • Be a national or regional public authority or an international organisation that can help to achieve a EUAF objective
  • Be a research and educational institutes and non-profit making entities that can help to achieve the objectives of the EUAF Programme, established for at least one year
  • Only applications by single applicants are allowed

Additional information

  • Initial duration of the action: between 12 and 24 months
  • Contact : OLAF-ANTI-FRAUD-TRAINING@ec.europa.eu
  • Total budget of the call: 1 million euro
  • Amount of the grant: 40,000 euro
  • Funding rate: 80% of the total eligible costs (90% if the project is a “priority action”)

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