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HORIZON EUROPE – Energy Efficient Technologies in HPC – 2023

Horizon Europe - Horizon Europe aims to strengthen the EU's science and technology base and the European Research Area (ERA), to boost Europe's innovation capacity, competitiveness and employment, and to deliver on citizens' priorities, supporting our socio-economic model and values.

20 million euro

Appeal framework

Call reference HORIZON-EUROHPC-JU-2023-ENERGY-04
Program Horizon Europe Programme (HORIZON)
Institution European Commission
Sectors Aeronautics & Space Business & Industry Cooperation & Development Education & Training Employment Energy Environment & Climate Research & Innovation Services to organisations Technology & Digital
Beneficiaries Large company (> 250 employees) Professional organisation & network Research centre & university Smes & Start-Ups (< 249 Employees)

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To establish and implement a strategic R&I initiative contributing to the development of innovative HPC software technology integrated with cross-layer energy-monitoring metrics tailored for exascale and post-exascale supercomputers. The action will ensure a common framework for implementation by maintaining an R&I roadmap with a critical timeline, control points and deliverables to govern the necessary activities.



  • HORIZON-EUROHPC-JU-2023-ENERGY-04-01: Energy Efficient Technologies in HPC
  • Total budget of the call: 20 million euro
  • Amount of the grant: between 15 and 20 million euro

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