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Justice Programme – Action grants to support transnational projects to enhance rights of persons suspected or accused of crime and the rights of the victims of crime – 2020

Grants for projects aiming to continue the development of a European area of justice in particular by promoting judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters

2.8 million euro

Appeal framework

Institution European Commission
Regions European Union

* EU Member States (including their overseas departments), except for Denmark and the United Kingdom;
* Albania and Montenegro

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Priorities and funded actions

* To facilitate effective access to justice for all, including to promote and support the rights of victims of crime, while respecting the rights of the defense

* To contribute to the effective and coherent application of EU criminal law in the area of the rights of persons suspected or accused of crime (procedural rights priority);
* To contribute to the effective and coherent application of EU criminal law in the area of the rights of victims of crime (victims’ rights priority)

Among financed actions
* Analytical activities, such as data collection and creation of data bases, surveys, research etc.;
* Mutual learning, exchange of good practices, development of working methods which may be transferable to other participating countries;
* Exchange and provision of information and development of information tools;
* Capacity building for professionals

Additional information
* This call for proposals is an open call for proposals

* Initial duration of the action: up to 24 months

* Eligibility:
– Be a legal entity
– Be a public entity or a private organisation
– Be established in a participating country
– The application must be transnational and involve organisations from at least two participating countries
– Organisations which are profit-oriented must submit applications in partnership with public entities or private non-profit-oriented organisations

* Actions must take place in a country participating in the Justice programme


* Amount of the grant: minimum 75,000 euro
* Cofinancing rate: up to 90% of the total eligible costs

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