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SMP – ‘Pig Stunning’ grant for the development of non-aversive stunning methods for pigs – 2022

SMP - 'Pig Stunning' grant for the development of non-aversive stunning methods for pigs, aiming at encouraging EU pig slaughterhouses using high carbon dioxide concentration to stun pigs to convert to more animal welfare friendly alternatives.

2 million euro

Appeal framework

Institution European Commission
Sectors Agriculture & Fisheries Research & Innovation
Beneficiaries All beneficiaries EU & International Organisation Local Authority & Affiliated Entity State administration & affiliated entities
Regions Candidate countries, Developing countries, European Economic Area, European Union, Switzerland
  • EU Member States (including overseas countries and territories (OCTs))
  • Non-EU countries:
    • EFTA and EEA countries: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland
    • Candidate countries

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Priorities and funded actions


To encourage EU pig slaughterhouses using high carbon dioxide concentration to stun pigs to convert to more animal welfare friendly alternatives.


  • Priority 1: identifying the main drivers that influence slaughterhouse operators to prefer a particular method of stunning and identifying the conditions that could encourage them to change
  • Priority 2: implementation of alternative methods that do not expose conscious pigs to gas mixture containing more than 40% carbon dioxide

Among financed actions

  • Description of the stunning practices for pigs in high throughput slaughterhouses and their socio-economic drivers
  • Selection of alternatives to be tested as well as the technical and socio-economic data to be collected
  • Implementation of alternatives under commercial conditions and the collection of the pre-defined data
  • Analysis of data collected and the production of recommendations for facilitating the transition towards alternatives
  • Production of communication materials and their dissemination to the target public

Additional information

  • This call for proposals is an open call for proposals
  • Initial duration of the action: 24 months


  • Be legal entities (public or private bodies)
  • Be established in one of the eligible countries
  • Consortium of at least three applicants which complies with the following conditions:
    • minimum three entities from three different eligible countries
    • at least two entities shall be business operators and at least one entity shall be research centre or academic institution
  • Total budget of the call : 2 million euro
  • Co-financing rate : up to 65%

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