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CEF: 11.4 million euro for Member States to strengthen their cybersecurity capabilities

The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) is the follow-up of TEN-E (Trans-European Network of Energy), TEN-T (Trans-European Network of Transport) and INFSO orientations.  It is the new integrated instrument for investing in EU infrastructure priorities in Transport, Energy and Telecommunications.

33 projects, from 17 different EU Member States, were selected to receive nearly €11.4 million, in order to develop the capabilities of different cybersecurity stakeholders in those countries. 

This funding operates under the 2018 CEF Telecom Cybersecurity call. This funding contributes to the implementation of the Directive on security of Network and information systems, the first piece of EU-wide legislation boosting Europe’s cybersecurity preparedness. 

A new Cybersecurity call (2019-2 CEF Telecom) will open on 14 May with an indicative budget of €10 million.


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