The European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC) has launched calls for proposals to fund research and innovation activities that will help Europe to remain globally competitive in the field of supercomputing.
EuroHPC’s goal is to pool EU and national resources in order to develop an integrated world-class supercomputing and data infrastructure in Europe, and to create a highly competitive and innovative European HPC ecosystem.
The total budget of the work plan for 2019 will be €190 million (50% provided by the EU, and 50% by the participating countries). This sum will fund the calls now launched by EuroHPC, which will support research and innovation activities in the following areas:
- Extreme scale computing and data driven technologies
- HPC and data-centric environments and application platforms
- Industrial software codes for extreme scale computing environments and applications
- HPC Competence Centres
- Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs