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Proposal for a €823 million package of financial assistance from the EU Solidarity Fund

Following the earthquake in Croatia, the floods in Poland and the coronavirus crisis, the European Commission proposed on 9 October 2020 a €823 million package of financial aid under the EU Solidarity Fund (EUSF).

The EUSF supports EU Member States and acceding countries by providing financial assistance after serious natural disasters and, from this year, in the event of health emergencies. Since its creation in 2002, the Fund has been activated following more than 90 disasters and has mobilised more than €5.5 billion in 23 Member States and one acceding country.
In this year 2020, €683.7 million has been allocated to Croatia to respond to the devastating effects of the earthquake that struck Zagreb and its surroundings in March 2020. A first instalment of €88.9 million had already been paid out in August 2020 in the form of advances. 7 million has also been granted to Poland in its reconstruction efforts following the floods that hit the Podkarpackie voivodship in June. Finally, in the same vein, more than €132.7 million were mobilised as advances to Germany, Ireland, Greece, Spain, Croatia, Hungary and Portugal to fight the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects.



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