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Digital Europe – Cybersecurity and Trust – 2023

Digital Europe - Cybersecurity and Trust aiming at strengthening the capacity of cybersecurity actors in the Union to monitor cyber-attacks and threats and supply chain risks, to react jointly against large incidents, and to improve relevant knowledge, skills and training.

36.486.637,53 euro

Appeal framework

Call reference DIGITAL-ECCC-2022-CYBER-B-03
Program Digital Europe
Institution European Commission
Sectors Justice, Security, Defence Research & Innovation Technology & Digital
Beneficiaries All beneficiaries

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Priorities and funded actions


Topic 1 – EU Cybersecurity Resilience, Coordination and Cybersecurity Ranges

  • To strengthen the capacity of cybersecurity actors in the Union to monitor cyber-attacks and threats and supply chain risks, to react jointly against large incidents, and to improve relevant knowledge, skills and training
  • To create, interconnect and strengthen cybersecurity ranges at European, national and regional level as well as within and across critical infrastructures, including in but not limited to sectors covered by the NIS Directive

Topic 2 – Capacity building of Security Operation Centres (SOCs)

  • To create, support and/or strengthen, and interconnect, cyber threat detection capacities, allowing for reinforced capacities to monitor and detect cyber threats, the creation of collective knowledge and sharing of best practices

Topic 3 – Uptake of Innovative Cybersecurity Solutions

  • To support the market uptake and dissemination of innovative cybersecurity solutions (notably in SMEs, as well as results from publicly funded research in the EU), improve knowledge and auditing of cybersecurity preparedness


Topic 1 – EU Cybersecurity Resilience, Coordination and Cybersecurity Ranges

  • Priority 1: To exchange knowledge between cybersecurity ranges and create common data repositories
  • Priority 2: To support large-scale and cross-sector scenarios covering a wide range of adversaries and attack strategies, including for example cross centre serious gaming exercises; allow realistic traffic simulation that reflect network conditions
  • Priority 3: To support structured training and cybersecurity exercises to prepare cybersecurity defenders at both public and private organisations to enhance the protection and resilience of critical infrastructures, enterprises and communications networks; enable the conduct of hybrid trainings engaging all levels relevant to detecting, mitigating and preventing cyber-attacks (tactical, operational, strategic) while creating an environment where they can train communication, coordination and decision making

Topic 2 – Capacity building of Security Operation Centres (SOCs)

  • Priority 1: To support entities dealing with cyber threat detection and analysis serving private (SMEs in particular) and/or public organisations with real-time monitoring and analysis of data from public internet network traffic to detect malicious activities and incidents that affect the resilience of network and information systems
  • Priority 2: To strenghthening such entities by leveraging state of the art Artificial Intelligence (including Machine Learning techniques) and computing power to improve the detection of malicious activities, and dynamically learning about the changing threat landscape
  • Priority 3: To support information sharing among entities dealing with cyber threat detection and analysis or public authorities (including competent authorities and CSIRTs under the NIS Directive) or other public or private actors handling relevant threat information, facilitated through appropriate sharing agreements, while complying with all obligations related to privacy and personal data protection
  • Priority 4: To develop and deploye appropriate tools, platforms and infrastructures to securely share and analyse large data sets among entities dealing with cyber detection and threat analysis. Where possible and appropriate, existing building blocks will be re-used, including the results of relevant Connecting Europe Facility and Horizon 2020 projects
  • Priority 5: To support the increased availability, quality, usability and interoperability of threat intelligence data among relevant entities

Topic 3 – Uptake of Innovative Cybersecurity Solutions

  • Priority 1: To support the adoption of market-ready innovative cybersecurity solutions, including solutions developed in the framework of EU-supported research and innovation projects
  • Priority 2: To provide and deploy up to date tools and services to organisations (in particular SMEs) to prepare, protect and respond to cybersecurity threats
  • Priority 3: To improve the security of ICT solutions, including open-source (e.g. establishment of bug bounty programmes)

Among financed actions

  • Cybersecurity protection services
  • Auditing of cybersecurity resilience of equipment and services
  • Security testing tools including static-analysis code scanning tools
  • Cybersecurity investigation tools, tracing the origins of cybersecurity threats
  • Incident response tools that fit into general operational and management cybersecurity strategies
  • Support to Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure, in line with national policies where relevant
  • Funding and support for projects that improve and/or audit open-source software with regard to cybersecurity
  • Support for hackathons, cybersecurity challenges and conferences, and for engaging with relevant stakeholders including software development communities
  • Support to awareness raising, prevention, education, training, and gender balance in cybersecurity

Additional information

  • This call for proposals is an open call for proposals.
  • Initial duration of the action: 36 months


Be legal entities (public or private bodies)

  • Total budget of the call: 36.486.637,53 euro
  • Total budget of the topic:
    • Topic 1: DIGITAL-ECCC-2022-CYBER-B-03-CYBERRESILIENCE: 3.416.320,50 euro
    • Topic 2: DIGITAL-ECCC-2022-CYBER-B-03-SOC: 26.310.858,19 euro
    • Topic 3: DIGITAL-ECCC-2022-CYBER-B-03-UPTAKECYBERSOLUTIONS: 6.759.458,84 euro
  • Amount of the topic: between 1 million and 10 million
  • Co-financing rate: between 50% and 75% of the total eligible costs

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