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JPI HDHL – New food resources and technologies to improve public health and food security – 2023

Joint Programming Initiative HDHL - New food resources and technologies to improve public health and food security aiming at building knowledge to prepare for and succeed with a dietary shift towards a healthier and more sustainable diet.

500.000 euro

Appeal framework

Institution European Commission
Sectors Environment & Climate Health Research & Innovation Technology & Digital
Beneficiaries Large company (> 250 employees) Research centre & university Smes & Start-Ups (< 249 Employees)
Regions Developing countries, European Economic Area, European Union

Participating countries:

  • Austria (FFG on behalf of BMBWF)
  • France (ANR)
  • Ireland (DAFM)
  • Norway (RCN)
  • Poland (NCN)
  • Romania (UEDISCDI)

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Priorities and funded actions


  • To build knowledge to prepare for and succeed with a dietary shift towards a healthier and more sustainable diet
  • To improve use of resources and designing new foods
  • To contribute to the preparedness for a future with a higher global food demand on scarce resources


  • Priority 1: Ensuring consumer acceptance of new products and more sustainable technologies
  • Priority 2: Investigating new components as a source of nutrients and functional food ingredients
  • Priority 3: Ensuring food safety in the entire food chain focussing on residues, degradation products and (process) contaminants including aspects of sustainable food processing and side-stream valorisation
  • Priority 4: Improving nutritional quality aspects of using new ingredients or new food processing technologies as well as their impact on health

Additional information

  • This call for proposals is an open call for proposals
  • Initial duration of the action: 36 months


  • Be a legal person
  • Be a: university, a non-university research institute, a foundation, a commercial entreprise as SME
  • Total budget of the call: 500.000 euro
  • Amount of the grant: up to 250.000 euro per project

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