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LIFE – Circular Economy and Quality of Life – Standard Action Projects – 2023

LIFE - Circular Economy and Quality of Life - Standard Action Projects aiming at facilitating the transition toward a sustainable, circular, toxic-free, energyefficient/climate-resilient economy and toward a toxic-free environment as well as to protect, restore and improve the quality of the environment.

81 million euro

Appeal framework

Institution European Commission
Sectors Energy Environment & Climate Social Economy
Beneficiaries All beneficiaries
Regions Candidate countries, European Economic Area, European Union

Countries eligible to the programme: Click here

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Priorities and funded actions


  • To facilitate the transition toward a sustainable, circular, toxic-free, energyefficient/climate-resilient economy and toward a toxic-free environment as well as to protect, restore and improve the quality of the environment
  • To cover one or more of the following topics : Circular Economy and Waste, Air, Water, Soil, Noise, Chemicals, A new European Bauhaus
  • To cover activities in support of public administrations’ decision-making and voluntary approaches, environmental compliance assurance and access to justice, behavioral change and awareness-raising initiatives


Topic “Circular Economy, resources from Waste, Air, Water, Soil, Noise, Chemicals, Bauhaus”:

  • Priority 1: Circular economy and waste
    • Sub-priority 1: Recovery of Resources from Waste
    • Sub-priority 2: Circular Economy and the Environment
  • Priority 2: Air
    • Sub-priority 1: Air quality legislation and the NEC Directive
    • Sub priority 2: Industrial Emissions Directive
  • Priority 3: Water
    • Sub-priority 1: Water quality and quantity
    • Sub-priority 2: Marine and coastal water management
    • Sub-priority 3: Water services
  • Priority 4: Soil
  • Priority 5: Noise
  • Priority 6: Chemicals
  • Priority 7: A new european bauhaus

Topic “Environment governance”

  • Priority 1: public administrations’ decision-making and voluntary approaches
  • Priority 2: Supporting environmental compliance assurance and access to justice
  • Priority 3: Behavioral change and awareness-raising initiatives

Among financed actions

  • To develop, demonstrate and promote innovative techniques, methods and approaches
  • To contribute to the knowledge base and to the application of best practice
  • To support the development, implementation, monitoring and enforcement of the EU legislation and policy, including by improving governance at all levels, in particular through enhancing capacities of public and private actors and the involvement of civil society
  • To catalyse the large-scale deployment of successful technical and policy related solutions for implementing the EU legislation and policy by replicating results, integrating related objectives into other policies and into public and private sector practices, mobilising investment and improving access to finance

Additional informations

  • This call for proposals is an open call for proposals
  • Initial duration of the action: between 24 and 120 months


  • Be a legal entity
  • Be a public or private entity
  • Total budget of the call: 81 million euro
    • Topic “Circular Economy, resources from Waste, Air, Water, Soil, Noise, Chemicals, Bauhaus”: 74 million euro
    • Topic “Environment governance”: 7 million euro
  • Amount of the grant:
    • Topic “Circular Economy, resources from Waste, Air, Water, Soil, Noise, Chemicals, Bauhaus”: between 2 and 10 million euro
    • Topic “Environment governance”: between 700.000 and 2 million euro
  • Co-financing rate: up to 60% of the total eligible costs

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