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Green Deal – Greece is first to benefit from the Just Transition Fund (JTF)

The Greek plan to reduce the impacts of energy and climate transition on the local economy is the first to be supported with 1.38 billion euros (out of a total investment of 1.63 billion euros) through the Just Transition Fund (FTJ), within the framework of the European Union’s cohesion policy.

Just over half of the funds will support entrepreneurship through the financing of existing and new enterprises, of business infrastructure, and of stronger links between companies and research and innovation.

Another large part of the funds (20.4% of the total) will strengthen human resources and the skills of the workforce in the affected areas (skilling-upskilling-reskilling) and promote employment.

Two operations of strategic importance are also part of the Programme:

  • the “Innovation Zone” of Western Macedonia, an umbrella body for the development of infrastructure and actions for innovative entrepreneurship;
  • the “Bioeconomy 360° Hub” in the Municipalities of Megalopolis, Gortynia, Oichalia and Tripoli), aims at transforming business activity in the full range of the bioeconomy value chain (agri-food, circular and digital economy).


EU Cohesion Policy: €1.63 billion for a just climate and energy transition in Greece


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