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ISF – Internal Security Fund – 2021-2027

Grants linked to cooperation and the fight against the various forms of crime in the Union, in order to ensure its security.


1.931 billion euro


Association & NGO
Consular Chamber & Agency
EU & International Organisation
Large company (> 250 employees)
Local Authority & Affiliated Entity
Research centre & university
Smes & Start-Ups (< 249 Employees)
State administration & affiliated entities

Type of financing

REGULATION (EU) 2021/1149 of the EP and the Council of 7 July 2021 establishing the Internal Security Fund

1.931 billion euro
Association & NGO
Consular Chamber & Agency
EU & International Organisation
Large company (> 250 employees)
Local Authority & Affiliated Entity
Research centre & university
Smes & Start-Ups (< 249 Employees)
State administration & affiliated entities
Type de financement​
REGULATION (EU) 2021/1149 of the EP and the Council of 7 July 2021 establishing the Internal Security Fund
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Funds to contribute to ensuring a high level of security in the Union, in particular by preventing and combating terrorism and radicalisation, serious and organised crime, and cybercrime, by assisting and protecting victims of crime, as well as by preparing for, protecting against and effectively managing security-related incidents, risks and crises.


  • To combat and prevent crime, including drug trafficking and trafficking in human beings, and combat cross-border criminal smuggling networks
  • Improving and facilitating the exchange of information between and within competent authorities and relevant Union bodies, office and agencies and, where relevant, with third countries and international organisations
  • Improving and intensifying cross-border cooperation, including joint operations, between competent authorities and relevant Union bodies, offices and agencies and, where relevant, with third countries and international organisations
  • Supporting the strengthening of Member States’ capabilities in relation to preventing and combating crime, terrorism and radicalisation, as well as managing security-related incidents, risks and crises, including through increased cooperation between public authorities, relevant Union bodies, offices or agencies, civil society and private partners in different Member States


  • Thematic Facility
  • Indirect management

Financed actions

  • Setting up, adapting and maintaining ICT systems that contribute to the achievement of the objectives of this Regulation, training on the use of such systems, and testing and improving the interoperability components and data quality of such systems
  • Monitoring of the implementation of Union law and Union policy objectives in the Member States in the area of security-relevant information systems, including data protection, privacy and data security
  • EU policy cycle/EMPACT operational actions
  • Actions supporting an effective and coordinated response to crises and linking up existing sector-specific capabilities, expertise centres and situational awareness centres, including those for health, civil protection, terrorism and cybercrime
  • Actions developing innovative methods or deploying new technologies with a potential for transferability to other Member States, in particular projects aimed at testing and validating the outcome of Union-funded security research projects
  • Actions that improve resilience as regards emerging threats, including trafficking via online channels, hybrid threats, the malicious use of unmanned aerial systems and chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear threats
  • Providing support to thematic or cross-theme networks of specialised national units and national contact points to improve mutual confidence, the exchange and dissemination of know-how, information, experience and best practices, the pooling of resources and expertise in joint centres of excellence
  • Education and training for staff and experts in relevant law enforcement and judicial authorities and administrative agencies, taking into account operational needs and risk analyses, in cooperation with CEPOL and, when applicable, the European Judicial Training Network, including education and training on prevention policies, with special emphasis on fundamental rights and non-discrimination
  • Cooperation with the private sector, for example in the fight against cybercrime, in order to build trust and improve coordination, contingency planning and the exchange and dissemination of information and best practices among public and private actors, including in the protection of public spaces and critical infrastructure
  • Actions empowering communities to develop local approaches and prevention policies, and awareness-raising and communication activities among stakeholders and the general public on Union security policies
  • Financing of equipment, means of transport, communication systems and security-relevant facilities
  • Financing the cost of staff involved in the actions that are supported by the Fund or actions requiring involvement of staff for technical or security-related reasons

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